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You are on the home page of the EPOS-FRANCE collection, a subset of the open archive HAL.

This collection contains:

- documents illustrating the life of the French research infrastructure Epos-France : station photos, instrument network maps, videos, project presentation posters...
- documents related to seismic events in metropolitan France and overseas departments: photos of damage caused by earthquakes, images of post-seismic missions, post-seismic reports, etc.
- thesis, communications and scientific articles resulting from research using Epos-France data

With rare exceptions, the images and other documents in this archive are distributed under a Creative Common "Attribution 4.0 International" license (CC BY 4.0), i.e. their use, transformation or any other use, including commercial use, is free, subject to quotation by the author.

To deposit documents in this archive, just add the keyword "Epos-France" in the metadata.

Epos-France is a national IR project included in the roadmap of research infrastructures published by the MESR. Its aim is to advance our knowledge of the Earth's complex, dynamic system. As a result, much of France's research on the solid Earth will progressively join the Epos-France IR, which represents France's participation in EPOS, the European IR whose mission is to integrate national and transnational IRs tasked with observing and understanding our planet.

Epos-France is the successor to Résif, the French seismological and geodetic network, which has been deploying modern instrumentation to measure deformations of the earth's surface in France since 2011, and initiating cross-disciplinary research.

The CNRS's Institut national des sciences de l'Univers coordinates the Epos France consortium, which comprises the majority of French universities and organizations involved in geosciences research.

Signatories to the Epos-France consortium agreement: CNRS, BRGM, CEA, Cerema, CNES, Ifremer, IGN, IPGP, IRD, IRSN, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur, Nantes Université, Univ. Clermont-Auvergne, Univ. Côte d’Azur, Univ. Grenoble-Alpes, Univ. Gustave Eiffel, Univ. Montpellier, Univ. Paul Sabatier Toulouse III  et Univ. de Strasbourg.


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Bibliographic records



Sismologie Paléosismologie Macroseismic intensity GNSS antenna Géodésie Geodesy Field instrumentation Superconducting gravimeter Campagne de terrain Fault Réseau sismologique GEOSCOPE Landslide Aquifère karstique Broadband seismometer Carte macrosismique Earthquake Seismological antenna Tremblement de terre Station sismologique Geodetic station Accelerometric station GNSS Network Crustal structure Instrumentation mobile Mayotte Gravimétrie RLBP Seismic tomography Seismological network Volcan Velocimeter sensor Sismomètre Instrumentation Antenne GNSS Seismicity and tectonics Piton de la Fournaise Paleo-seismology Field campaign GPS France Le Teil earthquake Accéléromètre Enquête macrosismique Absolute gravimeter RENAG RAP Dégâts RESIF Seismology Europe GNSS Antenna Satellite geodesy Slope instability Site effects Gravimetric network Gravimètre relatif Seismic hazard Seismological station Gravimetric station Station géodésique Station accélérométrique Intensité macrosismique Magnitude Gravimetry Capteur vélocimétrique Aléa sismique Macroseismic survey Accelerometer Glissement de terrain Sismomètre large bande GPSMOB Volcano Bruit sismique Faille géologique Seismic noise Station gravimétrique Le Teil Earthquake Guadeloupe SISMOB GNSS network Séisme Réseau gravimétrique Géodesy Seismic vulnerability Réseau GNSS Seismological network RLBP Epos-France Séisme de Le Teil Relative gravimeter Instabilité des versants GNSS Damages Gravimètre absolu Vulnérabilité sismique Antenne sismologique Martinique GMOB Africa Seismometer